Seamless two-way integration.
Moving properties to auction doesn’t mean you need to change your processes. Effortlessly integrate with Pattinson Auction directly through your Street.co.uk account, to instantly refer suitable properties to auction.
Refer properties to auction with a single click.
Instantly and effortlessly refer stock to Pattinson Auction in one simple click with vendors and property details automatically pulling through from your CRM. You’ll even automatically receive a checklist pop up of outstanding tasks to help guide you through the next steps.

Receive live updates for every bid.
Pattinson Auction will take care of your clients’ properties when they go to auction, and you’ll be kept in the loop no matter what. Using the Auction Card on the property page, you can track the auction start date, reserve price, and bids with live updates every time a bid is made.
Updated property status, synced to your CRM.
You don’t need to worry about tracking every property that goes to auction. Instead, whenever a property has sold successfully through Pattinson Auction, the property card will automatically change to notify you that the property has sold and for how much.

Countless benefits for your agency.
Taking properties to auction with the Pattinson Auction integration doesn’t just help you secure a faster sale… in fact, the benefits are endless.
Boost your revenue.
Earn up to 2.5% commission on every auction sale with the typical fee generating higher income than any traditional sales method.
Achieve speedier sales.
Going to auction offers a faster turnaround, meaning fewer fall-throughs and quicker moving stock.
Move difficult stock, easily.
Test auction services and add properties to auction on a case-by-case basis; perfect when there are more challenging properties that need to be sold.
Reduce the admin burden.
Easily refer properties via the integration, allowing Pattinson Auctions to handle the auction management, cutting down the admin burden for you.
Countless benefits for your customers.
The benefits of auction for your customers are endless, and communicating them effectively could be the difference between winning their instruction or not.