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You can now benefit from 8x8 hosted telephony directly within your CRM, meaning streamlined communication that makes your life easier and helps you provide a personalised service.

Key features

See who’s calling

When receiving a phone call using this integration you will be able to see whether the contact is in your CRM or not, directing you to their person page in if they are known to you.


Centralised telephony.

With the 8x8 integration you can enjoy simplified telephony communications, centralised all from one platform, there is no need to jump in and out of platforms, saving you and your team valuable time.

Provide a personalised service.

Every time an applicant calls through this new integration you can instantly locate their details in through the People Page to view key information like owned properties and recent activity. This will make it easier for your team to have more personalised conversations with every client.

Save time on searching for information.

8x8’s caller ID function makes it quick and easy to match a number to a contact, saving you time searching your CRM for information.
