Seamless Integration: Enhancing Sales Efficiency with Prospector Pro and

Hi, my name's John Paul and I am CEO and Co-founder of Prospector Pro. Prospector Pro is a sales enhancement tool.
The first thing that we do is we fully integrate with and we pull all the call data into an algorithm call list, so that your users don't have to go hunting for any more data when prospecting, it's literally served up in a call list, that all you've gotta do is just pick up the phone and call.
One of the main benefits of using Prospector Pro is if you're a manager or a business owner, it gives you full oversight of what your team is doing in terms of prospecting. So, not only can you measure the amount of calls, but you can measure the quality of calls as well. When the best time is to call, what the most common objection is and then you can service the relevant training to make them better at that particular action.
Hi, I'm Adam. I'm CTO and Co-founder of Prospector Pro.
So the main benefits we've found customers have had have been the auto summarization. So every call is summarised and put straight back into the CRM. Other benefits have been the “Call Genius”, which allows people to recall phone calls they've had, look at the data and listen to them and the AI scorecard. So, off the back of every call, our AI scores them and allows managers to quickly see where weaknesses are.
The team at have been great on multiple occasions, even on a few occasions responding almost within the hour and we've had no delays in getting development done that we've needed, because the open API is actually free, it means that more integration partners are likely to come on board. Rather than limiting the market with regards to integrations, they have actually opened that kind of right up, so hopefully over time you'll get more and more integrations working with Street, which is only a good thing for agents.
Give your team the power to turn calls into new clients and sales with the and Prospector Pro integration.