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August 28, 2024
Street Blog

How estate agents are saving hundreds of hours with Street AI

Head of Sales

What would your estate agency do with extra time? Would you tighten up your compliance processes? Really drive your team to win more instructions? Invest in building better client relationships?

With the rise of industry-specific AI solutions like Street AI, many agents are already enjoying increased productivity and streamlined operations. 

In fact, with AI adoption outstripping smartphone adoption within its first 4 years, agents not incorporating AI into their processes are likely already falling behind. At, we’ve seen agents using Street AI save over 24,708 hours in total admin time. 

Want to know not only how to keep up – but how to get ahead?

Here’s how agents using Street AI saved a total equivalent of 2 years 10 months – and how you can join them.

Instant image enhancement with AI

According to recent research, 59% of buyers stated they would bypass a property with an unappealing first photo, while a further 49% admitted they wouldn’t even bother with the rest of the listing if they didn’t like the look of the property from the photos alone.

With poor quality photos potentially meaning properties sell for less (or fail to sell at all), it’s no wonder that many estate agents are levelling up their listing photography. And yes, that includes your competitors. 

High quality photos are now standard – so producing property photos that stand out becomes that bit more difficult. Especially if you’re editing your own photos manually. 

For agents using Street AI, though, creating thumb-stopping property photos takes just seconds. In one click, agents can brighten up their photos, fix wonky angles, adjust poor light, and even customise cloud coverage. 

With AI Image Enhancement, there’s no need to download any extra software, or invest in high-end equipment. Put simply, AI Image Enhancement means you can make every listing look irresistible, without losing hours to manual editing.

Enjoy more efficient, AI-powered client communication 

When you think of the most time-consuming tasks at your agency, email might not even be on your radar, when, in fact, communication and relationship management tasks, like speaking to landlords or vendors, take agents an average combined 22.8 hours per week

It makes sense, when you think how important – and sometimes difficult – it is to choose the right wording when speaking to clients. Particularly when dealing with sensitive topics, like price reductions or tenancy issues, it’s key that you communicate in a professional, and timely, manner.

With Street AI, crafting the perfect email now takes just seconds. With just a short prompt, AI will generate an email in whichever tone you’d like – whether that’s friendlier, or more professional. 

Agencies with a more specific tone of voice don’t lose out on these efficiencies, either, as Street AI’s Custom Writing Styles can be trained to sound exactly like you. All you have to do is input your best emails, or favourite property descriptions, and Street AI will create a professional, on-brand email for you, almost instantly.

Reduce inbound requests by 20% with AI property maintenance 

For letting agents specifically, this one is a huge time-sink, with agents losing on average 9.2 hours a week to maintenance-related tasks. 

Traditionally, dealing with property maintenance can be a frustratingly slow process. 

Back-and-forth between tenants, landlords, and contractors means resolving a maintenance issue can take anything from hours to days. Aside from taking up valuable time (that could be spent winning new instructions and growing your agency), inefficient property maintenance can mean unhappy landlords and tenants.’s new AI Property Maintenance feature was built to tackle just this. Now, tenants can self-serve and access instant advice via their Tenant App – all they have to do is provide details of their problem, and they’ll be guided to clear, reliable steps to resolve their issue.

By harnessing the power of Generative AI for property maintenance, agents stand to slash inbound job requests by 20%, increase first-time fixes, and reclaim their week. 

And, as a bonus, keep your landlords, tenants and contractors happy. 

You can find more information on how Street AI can make property maintenance more efficient for your agency here.

Save hours per week on property descriptions

How much time do you spend writing property descriptions per property? 

Across your whole property portfolio, 30 minutes to an hour per new listing can really add up, and prevent your agency from scaling as quickly as you might like.

Plus, 74% of estate agents are already using AI to create property descriptions in just minutes — so if you’re still painstakingly putting yours together manually, you could be lagging behind in terms of efficiency.’s AI Property Description Generator takes this time-consuming job off your to-do list, immediately giving you hours of your week back. With just the property’s key features and your desired listing length, Street AI will produce unique, compelling property descriptions in just seconds, tailored completely to the property’s unique features, and your agency’s ideal tone of voice. 

You can try Street AI’s Property Description Generator completely free of charge here.

Strengthen client relationships, without the time sacrifice

When carried out manually, listing performance, or customer care, reports can take hours. 

Gathering viewing and pricing feedback, putting together a visually compelling report, and compiling emails to clients can be incredibly time-consuming. That’s why many agents simply can’t commit to producing regular, comprehensive performance reports for vendors or landlords.

This can leave your clients in the dark about your efforts – and if their property is slower to sell, can put you at risk of withdrawals

Street AI is now speeding up this process for agents by collating and summarising viewing feedback, as well as pulling feedback on pricing, categorising it as ‘high’, ‘fair’, or ‘good’. By harnessing the power of’s listing performance reports, you can more easily negotiate price reductions, make data-informed recommendations, and reassure nervous vendors or landlords. 

While collects portal and marketing data (and compiles it in a customisable, branded report), you can show off your expertise with your own custom recommendation to your client. 

Sending your branded, white-labelled report is as simple as a few clicks, too, as AI will generate email body and subject line copy for you in just a few seconds. 

With Street AI powering their listing performance reports, smart agents no longer need to choose between providing a better client experience, and their time. 

Want to see how Street AI could supercharge your estate agency first-hand? Try it for free today.