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September 5, 2024
Street Blog

Tips and best practices: Street AI’s Custom Writing Styles

Head of Sales

With most estate agents competing with 10 or more other agents in their geographical patch for new business, differentiating your agency from your competitors is crucial.

While out-of-the-box AI tools like Chat GPT do offer time-saving benefits, they can produce generic content that doesn’t do much to set your agency apart from the rest.

Street AI’s Custom Writing Styles feature offers the efficiency of AI, without the need to sacrifice your agency’s unique brand voice. 

This quick blog explores some tips for getting the most out of Street AI’s Custom Writing Styles tool, and how to use it to produce impactful, on-brand content that drives instructions, without sacrificing hours of your valuable time.

An introduction to Street AI’s Custom Writing Styles 

Unlike other AI tools on the market, Street AI’s Custom Writing Styles feature allows agents to train their very own Street AI writing model – an industry first.

So, how does this work? 

Training Street AI in your custom writing style is simple. Just input your favourite emails, or property descriptions, and Custom Writing Styles will create bespoke content in that style, all from within

Street AI will even remember your unique writing style once trained – so you can effortlessly maintain consistency across all your written content.

Tip #1: Don’t be squeamish about AI – you could miss out on huge time-savings

Based on previous run-ins with badly-written, repetitive AI content, you might be hesitant to start using AI in your own agency. 

The fact is, though, that by boycotting AI, you could be missing out on huge time savings. For the average estate agent, it’s estimated that communication and relationship management tasks, like speaking to landlords or vendors, take an average combined 22.8 hours per week – time you could be saving by using Street AI to write your emails. 

How Custom Writing Styles can help: By training Custom Writing Styles to write your emails and property descriptions, you can rest assured that your content will be uniquely tailored to your agency – and written in just seconds. This means you can enjoy the efficiency boost of AI content generation, without sacrificing your brand’s tone of voice.

After using Street AI to write a property description, one agent said, “Within 5 minutes I had a professional description which just needed minor tweaks. This saved me over an hour of typing. This is an absolute game changer for me!” 

Tip #2: Identify your agency’s tone of voice (and protect it)

We’ve already touched on the importance of standing out as an agency, and the way your agency sounds is pivotal to this. After all, the way a listing is written, or the tone of an email, will often be a client’s first impression of your agency – so it’s important that this is a good representation of your brand.

Before using Street AI’s Custom Writing Styles, consider your brand voice and the impression you’d like to give prospective clients. Would you like to come across as approachable and funny? High-end and premium? Professional and direct? 

Of course, this largely depends on your target market, and the types of properties in your portfolio. For example, if your target audience is largely made up of younger, first-time buyers, a more chatty tone of voice might suit your agency well.

How Custom Writing Styles can help:  With Street AI’s Custom Writing Styles, you can input up to three pieces of content to train your AI tool with. These can be your best emails, or simply examples of great content that you wish to emulate in your agency’s own branding. This way, you aren’t limited by the capabilities of generic AI content and can make sure your content doesn’t just sound authentic, but is attractive to your target audience, too.

Tip #3: Make sure your brand voice is consistent, no matter who’s writing a listing

Like in most industries, consistency is key in estate agency branding, especially when your listings and communications appear on various platforms. 

With Street AI’s Custom Writing Styles, agents can standardise their property descriptions to save time spent editing and refining listings and make sure that no off-brand wording (or typos) slip through the net.

How Custom Writing Styles can help: We know it can be difficult to enforce a standard tone of voice across your business, especially if you’re a larger multi-branch agency. This is why Custom Writing Styles for property descriptions are set at branch level and can only be changed by branch admins – reducing the chance of any brand-damaging listings going live.

Tip #4: Keep up with market trends and refine your writing style if needed

Within an industry as volatile as estate agency, it makes sense to be reasonably agile with your marketing approach, to meet changing consumer needs.

This is why it’s important to review the performance of content like property listings regularly, to see what’s driving sales or lets, and what might not be working as well. 

With this information, you can update your Custom Writing Style to reflect any changes in your brand strategy. 

How Custom Writing Styles can help: Now, with Custom Writing Styles, you can easily tweak and improve your tone of voice across listings and email to achieve the best possible results for your clients.

It takes under 10 minutes to retrain Street AI in a new writing style, so if your agency ever undergoes a rebrand, you can quickly and easily reflect this across your whole branch, and multiple platforms.

Reclaim your week – and your brand identity – with Street AI’s Custom Writing Styles

At, we don’t think estate agents should have to sacrifice their brand voice just to enjoy the efficiencies of AI. 

That’s why we built Custom Writing Styles into Street CRM – an innovative, industry-first tool that analyses and learns how your agency speaks, thinks, and writes to produce truly bespoke, on-brand content.

In less than 10 minutes, Street AI will train itself how to write and communicate in your agency’s own unique voice, mimicking your style, tone and structure across emails and property descriptions.

That means, you’ll get all the benefits of AI in terms of rocket-fuelled efficiency, while protecting the brand identity you spent time perfecting. 

Want to see what Custom AI Writing Styles can do first-hand? Get in touch with our team for a free, no-obligation demo.