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September 3, 2024
Street Blog

Protecting your agency's brand on portals: how AI can help

Head of Sales

For buyers, or potential tenants, a property listing on a portal is often the first impression they’ll get of your estate agency. And, for your vendors or landlords you work on behalf of, the way you represent their properties on portals is incredibly important.

In fact, in a recent survey, 48% rated ‘listing their property on more than one portal’ as the most important service an estate agent would need to offer for them to consider instructing them, while a further 46% cited taking ‘professional photos of their property’ for listings. 

This paints an overall picture of the significance of the property portals for vendors – and data from buyers and renters supports this. When surveyed, 84% of homemovers said they prefer to conduct their property search online. 

With so many homemovers focusing their attention on portals, poor property descriptions, missing property information, or low quality images can mean your brand reputation takes a hit. 

Here are a few ways AI can help you protect your agency’s brand on portals, and secure more viewings in the process, keeping your landlords and vendors happy.

For more in-depth guidance on how to use AI to supercharge your agency, download our latest guide.

Fill in any Material Information gaps 

By now, you should be familiar with the National Trading Standards Guidance for Estate & Lettings Agents (NTSELAT) Material Information guidelines. The guidelines aim to promote transparency in property transactions, thereby reducing the likelihood of fall-throughs. 

But what does Material Information have to do with your agency’s brand? 

Aside from the brand-damaging effects of being fined for breaching Material Information rules, leaving out key property information means fields are left empty, telling visitors to ‘ask the agent’ – which can mean your listing appears incomplete, unpolished, and can put potential buyers off. 

After all, viewing a property on a portal is an all-important first step in the home buying process, where buyers will be looking to make sure a property ticks all of their boxes before spending time arranging and attending a viewing. 

So, if they can’t check whether a property meets their affordability needs, or has essential features like parking spaces, they may just cut their losses and scroll to another agency’s listing.

What’s more, if information like Council Tax banding, parking arrangements, and ground rent is withheld on a listing, this can give a negative first impression and create an element of distrust between potential buyers and your agency. 

How can estate agents protect their brand by providing complete Material Information?

Of course, it can be difficult to gather all the information set out in NTSELAT’s Material Information Guidelines, and with pressure to get listings live as quickly as possible, it can be tempting to leave fields blank. 

CRMs like can make this process a lot smoother for both agents and vendors, with AI-enhanced digital Property Information Questionnaires that can be sent directly to vendors via a user-friendly mobile app

Then, once a vendor completes their questionnaire, this data will sync with your CRM, ready for you to include as part of a property listing. 

Predictive AI can speed up the process further by providing suggested answers to vendors based on existing data, so they can fill out their PIQ even more easily – and you can get a complete, compliant listing live even quicker.

Ensure property images are professional quality

A recent report states that 57% of buyers consider professional photography crucial when selecting an estate agent – and it’s easy to understand why.

Properties with professional-quality photos receive more views online, and this higher engagement can lead to quicker sales or lets. High-quality images also enhance the perceived value of a property, helping it to stand out in a crowded property market. 

This not only benefits the vendor or landlord, but also helps in building your agency’s brand, reinforcing your reputation for quality and professionalism. 

Realistically, in any form of marketing, consistent, quality images go a long way to establish a positive brand image.

AI technology, like’s AI Image Enhancement tool, can make professional-quality imagery achievable for agents (even without expensive equipment or an in-house photographer) by improving lighting, correcting distortions, customising cloud cover and getting rid of dull skies, in just a few clicks.

By consistently showcasing properties with stunning, high-quality images, estate agencies can differentiate themselves in a crowded market, maintaining a strong and trustworthy brand presence on digital platforms, securing more viewings, and, ultimately, winning more sales.

Make sure property descriptions are mistake-free and compelling

In our previous content, we’ve already touched on how the right property description can impact your agency’s brand reputation.

The property descriptions that accompany your listings are an extension of your estate agency’s brand, so should reflect the impression you want to give of your agency.

For instance, if you’re a luxury estate agency, you should consider using language that reflects sophistication and exclusivity, whereas a family-oriented agency might focus on warmth, community, and practical living spaces.

Of course, taking time to craft property descriptions from scratch that not only reflect your agency’s brand, but are informative, mistake-free, and compelling, can take hours of your time. 

AI tools are increasingly being used by estate agents to generate property descriptions that are on-brand, tailored to your chosen tone of voice, and customised to include the unique features of every property. 

Some more sophisticated tools, like’s AI Property Description Generator, make it possible to benefit from the efficiency of AI while protecting your agency’s brand, with the ability to train your own writing style. For example, by inputting 3 examples of your favourite content, you can train Street AI to generate property descriptions that sound exactly like your agency.

Stand out on property portals (for all the right reasons) with Street AI

Never let lacklustre images, poor photography, or incomplete Material Information damage your agency’s brand reputation again. 

With Street AI, you can make sure every property listing is high-quality, reflects your agency’s standards, and keeps your clients happy – without spending hours gathering data, crafting property descriptions or manually editing photos. 

See how Street AI can save you hours of work while keeping your clients incredibly happy – try our Property Description Generator for free today.